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Woody Woodpecker: Escape from Buzz Buzzard Peak

Gratuitous snickers about his name aside, Woody Woodpecker probably isn't the most widely recognized name in today's cartoon kingdom…nevertheless, this video game incarnation of the laughing bird is worth a look for primarily younger gamers. It's also one of the better ’toon-to-game adaptations you're likely to find. Woody is pure, formulaic 3D platform hopping. As the wood-hole-puncher, you hop-n-peck your way through several levels of varying themes, all while collecting floating "W"s and extra lives. Accompanying the adventures is an innocuous music score that’s overshadowed by a clever visual scheme that lends itself perfectly to the game’s cartoony heritage. Complete with oversaturated colors and sweet cel-shading for the bird, there's never a shortage of sharp eye candy. And, of course, you get the trademark Woody laugh, too. The controls are frustrating at first—especially the constant re-adjusting of the camera after each time you move—but you’ll find smooth sailing once you pass the learning curve. No, this is hardly an excellent game, but younger gamers looking for a cartoon-based challenge—or older ones looking to keep an youngster occupied—will find hours of enjoyment.